The HUGS Project of Elkhart

Our Troops Say

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We appreciate the love and care...

Good morning,

Thank you so much for the Care Packages. We received them in good condition. My junior Sailors got so excited opening them and were shared with everybody. We appreciate the love and care you all put into these packages. As a thank you, see attached photos taken with my fellow first classes in the department during out liberty port in Singapore.
We are heading back home soon. We appreciate all the messages, cards, goodies and hygiene products. Big Hugs and High Fives!
God bless us all.
Very respectfully,
HM1 Louvel V.
Medical Department ☤

"We already hit 113 degrees last weekend "

Good morning! My name is MSgt B. Rush and I wanted to personally say thank you for the care package you sent us here at Ail Al Salem, Kuwait. You sent this box to SSgt Garcia but she has since re-deployed back to the states. I work in the same chapel she worked in so it went to a good place. We have a care package wall in which every single member on base has access to take what they need. We get everything from girl scout cookies to foot powder so anything and everything is appreciated. Enjoy the spring back home! We already hit 113 degrees last weekend so we’re just getting started. Anytime you’d like to send us additional packages feel free as there is never a shortage of individuals flowing in and out of our chapel looking for goodies or small toiletry items they might have forgot from home.

Again, thanks for everything and we’ll talk to you later!


"you’re dedicated to fueling our morale"

Dear The Hugs Project,

The amazing care packages you sent have arrived safely. We brought them into work, and they were thoroughly enjoyed by all! Snacks were knabbed first – beef jerky, ramen, and candies are always a hit. It brightened our day and put smiles on a lot of faces during these tough, hot times.

Your contributions have made it abundantly clear to us all that you’re dedicated to fueling our morale. Everyone is grateful for your generosity. We can’t thank you enough for thinking of us!


A.. Brown SGT, USA
34th Infantry Division

"Brought so much joy to us all!"

Elkhart Hugs Chapter,

Thank you all for the care package!!! I passed it out to everyone in my shop and a couple of other shops in the command as well!!!! It brought so much joy to us all!! Every one says thank you!!!!! We are the Quality Assurance and Safety shop for VAQ-137 the Rooks. We ensure Safety and the safe maintenance on the EA-18G aircraft. Thank you all again for the care package!!!!

Very Respectfully,

AM1 D.Price

"impact of your support to our unit cannot be overstated"

Dear Hugs Project Team,

On behalf of myself and the rest of my detachment, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for the care packages we recently received from The Hugs Project. Your thoughtfulness and generosity have touched each member of our unit in a profound way.

The items included in the packages, along with the kind words and well-wishes, have not only boosted our morale but have also served as a reminder of the unwavering support we have from individuals and organizations back home. Your dedication to the well-being of our deployed troops is truly remarkable, and we are incredibly grateful for the time and effort you put into assembling and sending these packages.

The impact of your support to our unit cannot be overstated. Your kindness has uplifted our spirits and provided us with comforts from home during our time away. Knowing that there are organizations like The Hugs Project standing behind us has made a world of difference.

Please convey our gratitude to all the volunteers and supporters who make The Hugs Project possible. Your commitment to showing appreciation to those in service is an inspiration to us all. We are honored to have received your thoughtful care packages and are immensely thankful for your continued support.

With deepest appreciation,

The members of Detail Pohnpei

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