The HUGS Project of Elkhart

Our Troops Say

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"We are very happy to have lots of baby wipes!"

Hi Deb!

I wanted to say thanks for the care packages! We have been fortunate to have people like you and your team sending us gifts. We really appreciate it. I went and looked and it looks like the main maintenance offices are well stocked with snacks, soaps, toothpaste etc.
I liked the sticky notes and the letter you wrote!
All of the snacks are great! I took a couple of pictures of people with snacks. I’ll send those one of these days! We are very happy to have lots of baby wipes! Seems like the water is off in the dorms once a week.
I’m doing well and so are the guys in my shop. We’ve started to wrap up most of what we do and are starting to pack stuff up. All of our equipment has to be dust, dirt, mud, and grease free before it can get shipped home so we do still have a lot of cleaning to do.
It’s been in the high 90s to around 115 all trip. Feels like a blow dryer when the wind blows! We are very lucky to have air conditioning in our offices and we have big portacools in our hanger.
I’m ready to go to a baseball game, play golf, and be home!
Thanks again for all the nice things! I miss you guys and I’ll see you all soon!

Nick H.